Tuesday 10 February 2009

Mel's Trip, Day 6

Today is Election Day, which is a national holiday here in Israel. That means that most people have the day off, including Nick. Unfortunately, today a huge storm rolled through the city, so the weather was not conducive for outdoor activities. We were planning on visiting one of the vineyards here, so we went down to the market and bought some cheese, meat, bread and olives to take with us to the vineyard for a little picnic. We went back to the hotel and called the vineyard because we weren't sure if it would be open (being that it was Election Day). Good thing we called, because it was closed. So we stowed away our picnic lunch in the tiny hotel room refrigerator and headed for the mall. We went to a different mall than the one I had gone to yesterday. It was extremely busy since most everyone was off work. We didn't stay too long at the mall, then we caught a taxi back to the hotel. We ate dinner at a neighborhood burger joint. Nick and I shared a lamb/beef burger, which was quite delicious. We ended the night having drinks at the hotel bar downstairs, where we chatted with an American from Chicago who is here for work. We also watched the election results come in. The race was too close to count at the end of the night. It turns out that one of the candidates running for Prime Minister was actually having her post-election day party in our hotel, so there were a lot of people at the bar who had just come from her party. It was definitely interesting to witness another country's Election Day.

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